My Crystal Ball Says, “Stop _ _ _ _ _ _ Assholes.” (Part 1)

October 12, 2014

untitledAfter my disappointing cruise and failure to meet any normal guys online, I decided to take a break from dating. I deactivated all 3 of my online dating accounts and welcomed back a simpler time when checking my email was about receiving coupons and sale notices from my favorite department stores. I would stop holding my breath waiting for a notification that I had received a wink, a flirt, an email or an instant message.

So I stopped.

And I felt great! My confidence was coming back. I was spending time with my girlfriends on the weekends. I was shopping like a maniac decorating my newly purchased home. I was reading again. I was back to doing the things that made me happy. And it was working.   I was happy.

And then one day I received a friend request from a guy from my past who I had reservations about for a plethora of reasons but who convinced me to go out on a date with him after two weeks of texting and getting to know each other.

So over sushi and sake one Friday night we had our first date. We had our first kiss. And instead of heading our separate ways at midnight, he decided to join me on a weekend get-away I had previously planned with my family.

He met my family. We held hands. We snuggled in bed with no expectations. He showered me with compliments. We had an amazing time together.

But driving home I knew I was in trouble. Our amazing first date had lasted 36 hours and a few minutes after dropping him off….

I missed him.

2 Responses to “My Crystal Ball Says, “Stop _ _ _ _ _ _ Assholes.” (Part 1)”

  1. Abstemious Gluttony Says:

    Awwwwww, goddammit, Ms. N.

    All right, this obviously does not end well.  But, even with that knowledge, I am still disconsolately eating out my kishkes, awaiting the denouement.

    • Abstemious Gluttony Says:


      Didn’t know that, even without my own blog, I can still “Like” posts. Well, now, I got some work to do. 😉

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